Yes ... My freckles are real ✖️🙏🏽 .. Here is the receipt.. TEAM FRECKLES real or fake do you!!! // lets get to the real deal.. Here is my CONTOUR / HIGHLIGHT/ CONCEALING video.. My techniques to getting a well blended look !! Using and showcasing @iconic.london EVO contour and conceal brushes and cream contour pallete!! No joke fell in love with it! Loved how it set as a natural matte one didn't need to bake!! That nose 👃🏽👃🏽contouring Doe!!! I'm proud of it ha! Ha! Perfect for everyday 👌🏽🔥🔥🔥 #palafoxxiamakeup #iconiclondon #wakeupandmakeup #freckles .. The struggle 💅🏽 #snapchat fam knows lol Ένα βίντεο που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης Julie San Agustin (@pala_foxxia) στις Αύγ 9, 2016, 11:24μμ PDT
FashionFrom-4 ;-)
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