Up close and in yo face 🙋🏽 Product details - @toofaced Born this way foundation - Warm beige @tartecosmetics Shape tape Concealer - Light/neutral @graftobianmakeup Concealer palette to contour @jeffreestar Skin frost "Peach Godess" @jeffreestar Liquid lipstick "Mannequin" @anastasiabeverlyhills Dip Brow "Chocolate" @urbandecaycosmetics "Beware" and @makeupgeekcosmetics "Creme brûlée" in the crease @inglot_cosmetics pure pigment "118" @sigmabeauty wicked gel liner @lillyghalichi Lashes "Opulence" Μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης Gemma Tsakonas (@gemmaisabellamakeup) στις Δεκ 25, 2016, 8:31μμ PST
FashionFrom-4 ;-)
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